Open Educational Resources - OERs

The current educational crisis puts teachers, students, universities, and research organizations under pressure to expand digital learning and teaching offers rapidly.

In this process, access to sound pedagogy and participation in education dialogues have taken on an increasingly global dimension – even though many teachers and schools still lack access to scientifically and pedagogically validated resources. Not only that, but education practitioners also face the challenge of accessing educational content that is adequate to their context and representative of their learning needs.

While the OER movement and OERs are gaining importance globally, and although there is a myriad of resources available, there is still much to advance concerning teacher professional development – especially when it comes to providing resources that value the autonomy and subjectivity of teachers, as well as the complex nature of teaching and learning in different contexts.

That is why dTeach aims to contribute with the UNESCO-backed movement of promoting Open Educational Resources (OER), by providing publicly accessible materials and resources for any user to use, remix, improve, and redistribute under open licenses. dTeach is made under the principles of being representative and tailored to the context of the Brazilian public schools. It is made to empower Brazilian teachers in their professional development.

We believe there is much room to create teaching and learning opportunities where contemporary education research is considered and reaches the classroom using collaborative perspectives instead of top-down and homogenized programs. In this changing environment, digitalization and blockchain technology opens up numerous perspectives for educational and academic access and collaboration, which exceed the geographical, political, and social boundaries of traditional teaching and learning.

dTeach promotes and supports the integration of digital collaboration formats in teaching and learning resource production within the framework of international teaching cooperation; the development of digital skills for students and teachers; extended access to international teaching and learning material for specific target groups (e.g. non-mobile students) and the formation of a community of practice. The exchange between educational content creators, scientists and teachers represents an interactive and cooperation-based bridge to the world and serves to systematically intensify international collaboration and shape them around new models of teaching and pedagogy. The teacher-oriented focus of dteach encourages engagement with the cultural context of other teachers and makes the digitally-based collaboration on teaching and learning resources a subject of the teaching-learning experience.

Below there is a summary of solutions brought by dteach: 

  • An efficient process of resource production that ensures quality – community-driven, decentralization, several quality checkpoints, peer-reviewed, and based on proven expertise.
  • Fair remuneration to the entire resource production chain: from authors and content creators, to scientists, to teachers and their classroom.
  • Valorization of teacher’s profession by investing on them and their local initiatives towards innovation in the classroom.
  • Diverse, contemporary, relevant, up to date, and open-source content that improves the quality of education and reaches teachers and their students.
  • Provide capillarity to quality research in education, in order to access schools underserved by the states and other institutions.

Guidelines to use Open Educational Resources (OER)

What are Open Educational Resources?

You can’t just take anything you find on the internet and use it in the classroom. Documents, images, and materials are generally protected by copyright, so making copies or using them in presentations is often prohibited. Our work with online platforms and cloud-based services makes us increasingly sensitive to this issue. But some copyright questions are not so easy to answer. “Open Educational Resources” (OER) offer a solution. The authors of OER grant users the explicit right to use their work, issuing the work under a license that makes it clear exactly what is and is not allowed. This means that teachers and students who use OER can be certain they are on legally safe ground.

Making education accessible, enabling collaboration

UNESCO defined open educational resources (OER) in 2012 as “… teaching, learning, and research materials in the form of any medium, digital or otherwise, that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation, and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.”
On the one hand OER therefore improve access to knowledge and education. On the other hand they also offer a special pedagogic potential: Teachers and students can collaborate in adapting the educational media. Not only is this effective, it also fosters creative processes and allows innovative ideas to blossom. In the context of increasingly heterogeneous school classes, it is also an advantage that teachers can adapt existing materials to individual learning and support needs.
The license model of Creative Commons
The non-profit organization Creative Commons (CC) provides seven licensing models that define how materials can be shared, modified, distributed, and remixed. The permissible use of specific content is identified in these CC licenses, which became a global standard for OER’s. They give authors the ability to assign incremental rights of use, and they give users transparency about these rights. This way teachers can become users and authors in their own right in this same legally unambiguous environment.
The mandate in education is for “as much openness as possible” so that materials can be freely used, modified, and shared. The following three license types serve this aspiration:
  • Public Domain CC 0
  • Attribution CC BY
  • Attribution-Share Alike CC-BY-SA


The other four license types include additional restrictions that, strictly speaking, are no longer “open” and are therefore less appropriate for licensing OER.

Download the UNESCO “Guidelines on the development of Open Educational Resources policies”

The 5 R’s of OER defined by David Wiley

Wiley, D. (2009). Defining “Open” In Iterating toward openness:

  • Retain – the right to make, own, and control copies of the content (e.g., download, duplicate, store, and manage)
  • Reuse – the right to use the content in a wide range of ways (e.g., in a class, in a study group, on a website, in a video)
  • Revise – the right to adapt, adjust, modify, or alter the content itself (e.g., translate the content into another language)
  • Remix – the right to combine the original or revised content with other material to create something new (e.g., incorporate the content into a mashup)
  • Redistribute – the right to share copies of the original content, your revisions, or your remixes with others (e.g., give a copy of the content to a friend)”.


The resources on dTeach are published under the “CC BY-SA 4.0 international” license. Please find more information here.

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