Thinking Ahead is a professional and academic mentoring program for low-income youth. It is a condensed mentorship in which mentees have the chance to get in touch with career options and carry out the necessary planning in the short and medium-term to realize their professional and academic goals.  The Thinking Ahead program was created inspired on the mentoring program carried out in the United States through the Mathematics Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA) program. MESA is guided to create an environment of equity and equal access for minorities not represented in STEM jobs (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).  


Thinking Ahead participants are engaged in activities such as: professional and academic exploration; visits to tech companies and universities; workshops; pitch competitions; career planning; group engagement; and Project-of-life planning.  


Next edition:


Support us

If you represent a company or institution

You can support either through sponsorship or by opening doors to welcome young people during a guided tour. Technology companies, innovation or research labs are super important to broaden young people’s perspectives. Do you have a scholarship, language course or course to offer? Even better 🙂
Contact us to talk!

If you are an individual donor

You can make a donation directly to the project fund. Once we reach the amount needed to perform a new edition, we set up the entire structure.

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