English version: coming soon

Political Engagement in the school

Politics is indeed a topic to be discussed in the classroom! But how? This guide brings possibilities and elements to help the teacher in this task that is essential for the formation of students connected, grounded and ready to exercise citizenship.

Publishing date: 21/09/2022

dTeach concept and coordination: Gustavo Pugliese
Designer: Carolina Frandsen Pereira da Costa
Editor: Kamille Ewen

Guide authors:

Ana Julia Bonzanini Bernardi

Ana Julia Bonzanini Bernardi

Doctor (2021) and Master (2017) in Political Science from UFRGS with a focus on research methodology. She works as a researcher and consultant on issues related to political education, public policies, media education, combating misinformation, social projects and youth(s).

Roberta Battisti Pereira

Roberta Battisti Pereira

Lawyer, Master in Political and Economic Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and Researcher at Instituto Liberdade Digital

Figures: modified from the originals by Upklyak on Freepik or designed by clorofreela.

This project is funded by the Project Catalyst:





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